Getting Involved
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Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. So we offering ways you can help. Support our cause through monetary donations, volunteer your time or donate computers, clothing, or office supplies, etc... to us.

Volunteer Your Time

Antionette's Specialties is looking for volunteers in the metro St.Louis City and County areas, to help with training, counseling, sporting events and other much needed events and/or training courses. If you are willing to donate time and effort to help benefit someone less fortunate and become a blessed stepping stone to make an awesome difference....then we are looking for you. Please submit a letter of consideration. Use the below link to get started. 

Bless Thy Neighbor!

Upcoming Events

Get involved...Submit your "Honorary Hometown Hero" letters.
Ideas for Special Events

Make a Donation

An account has been set up for Antionette's Specialties Training and Recreational Center through Commerce Bank in which any donor may request a letter to verify the information detailed above. I have recently filed for a 501(c)(3) form, which is pending that will show proof of any receipt upon request, after any donation, has been made to Antionette's Specialties Training and Recreation Center. I have an open book policy and assurance to all the donors.
Thank you all for your support!

Make a Donation

Tell us about your Community

Write to us about a group or individual making a difference in their community. We're looking for those who soar above and beyond the ordinary daily routine. People that make others feel good about themselves by doing great things in their hometown. Whether it's volunteering at a hospital, mentoring a child or feeding the hungary...submit your letters and (photos, if you have one) to us and you may be our "Honorary Hometown Hero" for the month and be featured right here. Inspiring others is what we do best!